December 2021 Trestle Board

From the East

Worshipful Master John Davis


December is upon us. Take time to reflect upon this last year. Did you accomplish what you intended to get done? What would you have done differently?
I did this myself and as my time as Worshipful Master is coming to end. It is a difficult position and I have said numerous times that it would take a few more years as a Master to truly learn all of your responsibilities. I am truly thankful for the support each one of you, your family, and your friends provided over the last year. As a Lodge, restarted regular stated meetings, initiated new Masons, and have a few dinners. For the year 2022, I leave you in the good hands of Jim Warriner. He is excited and has a lot planned.
I would like to extend an invitation to all Masons to visit our lodge for our final stated meeting of 2022 on December 7th at 7:30 pm. It is okay if it is your first time at this lodge. Just come on down a little early, have a coffee, and meet the local brethren. Our doors are always open by 6:30 pm.
WM John Davis

And Part on the Square

From the West

Senior Warden Jim Warriner

My Brothers,
Brother Chris Ford, Worshipful Brother Jon Torbert PM, HA, PMM, and your Master Elect installed the new ceiling fans.
The Prime Rib dinner was a great success prepared and served by Eastern Star (OK Worshipful Brother Gilbert and Brother Anselm smoked the roasts).
As we approach the Holidays and the beginning of my term in the New Year, let us give thanks, pray for peace, and hope the pandemic eases or ends. I for one pray that the pandemic does not hobble our fraternity and our lodges as it has done in the past two years.
Please join me in my desire for a normal and active year.
We are approaching the need to confer an MM so, if you have or wish to have a role in the second section of the MM degree please let me know I am creating a list.
See you at our next stated meeting.

James Warriner

And Meet On The Level

From the South

Junior Warden Tracy Morton


As this year comes to a close and the busy holiday season is here, let us remember those that are in our lives and the ones that are needing our help. This is the season of giving and sharing with one another. I have seen that we are a great organization and I hope that we continue our endeavors towards helping each other and to better ourselves.

Looking into the new year I am looking forward to serving the lodge. I look to those who have gone before and try to remember the good that that have done and hope that I can live up to the examples that they have set.

Tracy Morton

And Act by the Plumb

District Deputy Message

WB John Rall

DD 16 Message

When WM John reached out to ask for Brothers to help out with the investigations for our new EA Petitions and two Affiliations, I answered the call. When I found out that there were two of our EA candidates were only 29 and 30 I got excited. Then I realized that we already have a few younger Masons who no longer attend Lodge or are involved in our activities.

This got me to thinking, yes I can think even though I am Marine. We need to have activities that will keep our younger Brothers involved. We need activities that younger Brothers will embrace and become active in.

Here are a couple of my ideas. I would like to work with WB Jim Lester to develop a Masonic Masters Education Program. This is where we teach our new Masons the teaching of Masonry, kind of like a Masters Program like the Scottish Rite. Another idea is to start a Brewing Club, where we have education on how to brew beer and have Brothers brew their own beer then have socials to enjoy the fruits of their efforts. We could also start Masonic Shooting Club. We could contact the Jo Co Sportsman Assoc to see if we could get a group membership and maybe even hove some Officers from GP Public Safety teach us shooting.

I challenge each brother to come up with their own ideas to get out younger Masons involved. If we don’t keep our younger Brothers active and involved, we will cease to exist.

Thanks for your attention!

RW John Rall DD16

And Live by the Trowel