From the East Worshipful Master John Davis |
Hopefully, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccinations are making their way out to the public and I hope there is an end to the pandemic that follows shortly. We will be having a stated meeting for February with the restrictions outlined by the Grand Lodge. For this reason, it will be opened on the Master Mason degree and limited in the number of those in attendance. I would love to see the lodge room full of Masons but that will come on a future date. In last month’s Trestleboard I stated my anticipation to get back to degree work. I would prefer to have as multiple Masons trained in the lectures of all degrees and the roles needed during the Master Mason degree. If you would like to participate or learn any part please contact the Senior Warden. Some of you may be struggling with the loss of companionship and brotherly love. I have found that during these times that listening to various podcasts to be helpful. These can be found on the internet, Spotify, or Apple. I found that my two favorites are “Whence Came You” and “The Masonic Roundtable”. There are many more and I encourage you to listen when you have some free time. John Davis And Part on the Square |
From the West Senior Warden Jim Warriner |
My Brothers, I echo the Worshipful Master’s feelings. I eagerly look forward to a year filled with degrees, visits, visits to and from other lodges. It is those visits and conferring degrees which help bind us together more securely and nuture and bind our new brothers to our Ancient and Honorable Fraternity. One of my duties as your Senior Wardeni to ensure we have a Master Mason Degree team to raise our EA and FC brothers to the sublime degree of Master Mason. If you are one of the brothers who can play a part or deliver a lecture to help raise a Master Mason please let me know. We have I believe a total of 6 candidates waiting to join us, receive their FC or MM, or affiliate with our lodge from another lodge. Let us prepare to welcome all as Brothers. James Warriner And Meet On the Level |
From the South Junior Warden Tracy Morton |
My Brothers, With this whole COVID-19 thing still going on, I am hoping for relief now that the vaccine is out, and people are starting to take it. While I had some ideas about meals to make for the stated meeting. I have had to put them on hold. While these plans are still in my mind once we are allowed to have meetings and food. I will be making sure that I have some good options for food. If there is anything that someone is in favor of, and it is possible just let me know. You can call me at 702-266-5544 or just send an email to me at I have come across a question recently. I found it interesting, it was why do we call the badges of offices Jewels and not medals. The simple answer was that medals are representations of something that you have done and is a show of achieving that task. In Masonry, they are Jewels because they represent the adornment of the office in which they represent. The Oxford Dictionary provides another definition to supplement the prevailing usage, noting that since 1672 an ornament is worn as the badge of an order, or as a mark of distinction or honor, also has been called a jewel. Tracy Morton And Act by THE Plumb |
Did you help to pour the coffee, Or get the chairs in place? Or if a member seemed to have An unfamiliar face, Did you try to make him feel at ease, And did you clasp his hand? Did you just ignore him, And let him forlornly stand? Did you volunteer committee work, Or weren’t you even there? Did you try to help to pull the load, Or did you duck you share? Or were you in absentia, Esoonced upon the shelf? We have no right to ask you, So, why not ask yourself. |