February 2022 Trestle Board

From the East

My Brothers,

            We are beginning our year on a more positive note.  On 25 January, we will welcome 2 new brothers to our Lodge and to our great Fraternity.  At 7 PM immediately before stated in February, I will install 4 officers, who were not installed on 4 January.

            Soon we will have 5 EA’s preparing for their FC and we have 1 FC preparing for his MM.  I am eager, as I hope you are, to confer these degrees.

            Who will be the FC that we will raise in July, when we once again have an outdoor degree?

            We have a full compliment for the second section of the MM degree but if you would still like to participate let us know.  Understudies are always welcome and sometimes needed.

            See you on the 25th when we confer 2 EA’s and at stated meeting on February 1st .

James Warriner

And Part On The Square

From the West

My Brethren,

It is good to see that we have new brothers in our group. The growth of the lodge helps not only the lodge but the community in which it is part of.  As a group we come together for the betterment of each other. This brings in new ideas and opportunities to help our communities to let them know that we are here to help our fellow man. We know our neighbors and we know each other. The teachings we learn throughout the degrees strengthen us to become better individuals.

As this year progresses, I am looking forward to the options for improvements to the lodge. While I know that we have discussed several items. I would like to take this opportunity to learn from you to know what your opinion is, on this matter. Without the dialogue in this matter, we might have missed something that might have been overlooked. While I know that we will not be able to complete all these items this year it will be good to have a list, the better to help each preceding Master know where to start.

Tracy Morton

And Meet on the Level


I wish to apologize for the lateness of this Trestle Board. I have been dealing with some serious health issues for my wife, and as a result have not been able to accomplish much of anything else.

I would also like to explain that I have been using the old site to publish the Trestle Board so it can be sent out to the members via email. For some reason that function has stopped working on the old website, and that is the reason you have not received the Trestle Board via email this month I had hoped that the new website creators would have developed a method of accomplishing this by now. So for now you will have to go to the new website to view the Trestle Board.

Fraternally yours,

Jon Torbert PM, HA, PMM