From the East Worshipful Master John Davis |
Brethren, We will be having a slow start for 2021. Grand Lodge has felt it best to limit any meetings to six people or less. I would like all of you to think of this as an opportunity to work on spending more friendly time with another brother. Invite another brother over for a small dinner or coffee. Ask them why they became a Mason; what has changed that they miss from when they first joined. We had a limited officer meeting and discussed the upcoming year. We will be planning on a number of dinners, events, and some public awareness events. The lodge will put out more information as restrictions are relaxed. Please start thinking about how you would like to contribute to the upcoming year. You could be involved in degree work, a membership committee, Child ID, or maybe helping with dinners. I am optimistic about the upcoming year and what we can accomplish. I am excited to get back to degree work and look forward to our outdoor degree. I hope to see restrictions lifted soon and we can begin regular meetings and degree work. The last request I leave you with is to look out for one another. Our foundation is brotherly love and this can be represented in a variety of ways. It could be as simple as making a meal for a sick brother or just providing an ear for his concerns. I am always here for all of you. John Davis And Part on the Square |
From the West Senior Warden Jim Warriner |
We are entering a new year and I, being an optimist, am looking forward to a great year.We have several EA’s and FC’s to progress and raise to Master Masons. It will be a profound, entertaining, and enlightening experience for both our lodge and our candidates. I urge my brothers to learn their parts and learn them well. All the darkness of 2020 may have made us rusty. I look forward to practice and conferring degrees with the accuracy and importance that will impart great meaning to our candidates. Our ritual is the explanation and story of the tools of Masonry which makes “Good Men Better” James Warriner And Meet On The Level |
From the South Junior Warden Tracy Morton |
My Brothers,As I look at the upcoming year and see what I was planning on for my year as Junior Warden and knowing that Covid-19 has put a damper on things. We are hoping that we can start conduction meetings by March. With this in mind We are looking forward to the brotherhood that we can share before an after the meetings. Hopefully we can continue the plans that we have and work towards our goals of brotherhood. We have looked at the plans for the year and I am hoping that our plans for the events of the year come to fruition. Southern tradition says that for that for New Years dinner your meal should include Black Eyed Peas for good luck, collard greens for money, Pork for moving in the right direction and cabbage for a long life. May you traditions help you year to come and here is to a good year. Tracy Morton And Act by the Plumb |
How To Be Liked Anonymous |
Lord Chesterfield onec told his son: “Those whom you can make like themselves better will, I promise you, like you very well” What father ever gave his son a more precious nugget of wisdom! Seize upon this truth as if it were meant for you. Hang this thought high on the most sun-lit wall of your iner mind. Use it persistently until it becomes a normal part of your personality. Men and women-all men and women-are starved for encouragement. Under the warm rain of sincere praise they blossom in ways that astonish even themselves. Give every person you can, whatever self-assurance you can. Don’t flatter; recognize. Help others believe in themselves, by believing in them yourself. You will never know, probably, what a spiritual lift you are giving them. Yes indeed. If you can make people like themselves better they will like you better. |