January 2022 Trestle Board

From the East

Worshipful Master James Warriner

My Brothers,

If you couldn’t attend installation on the 18th of December, you didn’t miss anything. My wife and I both tested positive for Covid 19 on the 16th. Installation was postponed to stated meeting on January 4th . We have a dispensation from Grand Lodge to do so. Stated meeting will be a light dinner at 6 PM, installation at 6:30 PM, and open on the EA degree for stated meeting at 7:30 PM

Even though the last 2 years have been extremely challenging, we have 1 FC nearly ready for raising, 2 candidates waiting for their EA, 3 EA’s approaching their FC. I am hopeful that our lodge will be very busy in 2022.

Please join me in my desire for a normal and active year.

We are approaching the need to confer an MM so, if you have or wish to have a role in the second section of the MM degree please let me know I am creating a list.

See you at our next stated meeting.

James Warriner

And Part On The Square

From the West

Senior Warden Tracy Morton

My Brethren,

While I have only been a Mason for a few years, I will have to say that I have only seen a small handful of our members. Being an officer, I feel that I should know more of you. I challenge you to attend lodge and get to know our officers that we have. I would like to meet and get to know some of the officers from this lodge’s past. I have had the pleasure to know the Past Masters from the last 6 years.

Looking into the new year, I hope that we can accomplish more than we have since covid became so widespread. I look forward to conducting the degrees that we will have to conduct.

It is good to see new members that are interested in our organization. The growth of a lodge is dependent on its members. This also includes active existing members being part of the activities of the lodge. If you have issues of trying to make it to lodge or cannot drive in the evenings, I am sure that any of our members would be willing to offer you a ride to lodge and a ride home. All you must do is reach out to one of us.

Looking at the calendar I look forward to the things we have planned and the brotherhood we can share at these events. The things that are planned look to be fun events and I cannot wait to share in them with all of you.

Tracy Morton

And Meet on the Level.

From the South

Junior Warden Greg Gilbert


It has been a few years since I’ve been your Junior Warden, but not only taking care of you at meetings, degrees and dinners, but taking care of our lodge kitchen and dining room. I grew up in a fire station and believe that the night isn’t over until the room has been swept and moped. I was a Captain for over 25 years and truly believe that you lead from the front and manage from the rear…if my stewards can’t stay for whatever reason, I will! I will be the first in and the last out! It is a part of who I am and I can’t change that.

My goal is to have all dinners to be no more than $10 per plate, fellowship is what is it. With that, we should have a decent supply of cash for Thanksgivings and Christmas dinner to be catered.

Thank you for your support and be nice to my stewards!

WB Greg Gilbert

And act by the Plumb