July 2021 Trestle Board

From the East
Worshipful Master John Davis
This is WB Jon Torbert, and before we proceed with our messages I would like to apologize for the lateness of this month’s Trestle Board. I have had a lot going on at my house due to my wife coming home from an operation, and every time I would try to get started on this more care was needed.

The future is looking bright for our Oregon Masonic families. I believe the majority of the pandemic is behind us and things seem to be heading back to normal.
I have some excellent news from Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge has allowed us to move forward with degree work, under some restrictions. We have a few new applicants that we will be scheduling for degrees, as well as a few EA’s that are eager to move forward. We plan to be conducting these as much as possible over the next few months. Our first one will be June 8th at 7:30 for the Fellowcraft degree. If you are available to attend, I would love to have you. Please keep an eye on the calendar for events to include degree practice and the actual degree nights. Anyone interested in joining the degree team, please contact a Lodge Officer.
Grand Lodge will be holding their Annual Communication this year in June but it will be limited to one day with most business pushed to next year. If you have any concerns, please bring it up to my attention
Happy Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Day on the 24th of June and the associated St. John’s eve on the 23rd. Both days are associated with St. John and celebrated in numerous ways. I found it interesting that St. John’s eve seems to be celebrated more. Some countries treat the holiday like Halloween with bonfires, treats, costumes, and even some significant drinking. In Sweden, it is the largest holiday after Christmas. They celebrate with pickled hearing, snaps, and the ever-popular Maypole dance.
In celebration of the upcoming summer and St. John’s Day, our stated meeting will be in casual dress. Time to show off your shorts and Hawaiian shirts. If you are available, please come and join us on June 1st at 7:30 pm.
WM John Davis
And Part on the Square
From the West
Senior Warden Jim Warriner
My Brothers,
We are in the process of remaking our website. We want to show our Brothers and the public the lodges contributions to the community. A preliminary should be ready for viewing on Friday 5/28 and I will bring a laptop to stated meeting for all to see. In order to keep our Lodge alive and growing, I believe this is a significant step by being more public.
We will be conferring one Fellowcraft and one Entered Apprentice in the next few weeks; please show your support for these candidates by filling our sidelines.
The above means we are approaching the need to confer an MM so, if you have or wish to have a role in the second section of the MM degree please let me know I am creating a list.
See you at our next stated meeting.

James Warriner
And Meet On The Level
From the South
Junior Warden Tracy Morton
We are happy to say that we are now allowed to conduct degree work. I know that we have several brothers that are waiting to continue and some that are waiting to start. Hopefully, everyone is ready to conduct these degrees with proficiency.
We are also happy to have everyone know that on July 20th there will be a Family gathering at Steve Booths home that we will have our traditional apron burning ceremonyl. While the menu is not set at this time, we would like to know who is planning on attending. You can contact The Jr Warden by email or phone and let us know.
Tracy Morton
And Act by the Plumb
Email: chef_morton@hotmail.com
Cell: 702-266-5544
If I do not answer the phone, I just ask that you leave a message.
District Deputy Message
John Rall DD
From the Grand Lodge
RW John Rall
District Deputy District #17

When I received the letter from RW Greg Jenkins thanking me for signing up for another year as your District Deputy, he included his theme for 2021-2022 Masonic year. RW Jenkins’ wants Lodges to focus on degree work and our rituals. Having degree teams that know their lines and execute them with no exceptions will leave a lasting impression our on candidates. Degree teams that conduct degrees flawlessly will show the candidate that the Lodge takes Masonry seriously. Keep up the degree practices, and focus on learning your part.

I’ve talked to some of our older brothers recently, and the one thing they tell me is that they miss hearing from our Lodge. No one reaches out to our older Brothers and Widows to just say hello, and how are you doing. I can’t call all of our older Brothers and Widows by myself. We need to form a team of Masons to regularly call our shut ins. We need to let them know that they are still part of our Masonic Family, and that we still care about them. I’ll be reaching out to WM Davis to get this committee started.

I have been reaching out to some of our older Brothers for the past few years, you’d be surprised to see how much you can learn for our older Brothers. They love to share their experiences with us and learn about our lives at the same time. We took an obligation to take care of our Brothers, so it’s time to step up to this calling.

Keep the faith going, we need it now more than ever,

John Rall
And Live by the Trowel