May 2021 Trestle Board

From the East
Worshipful Master John Davis
Summer is approaching fast and I hope everyone is enjoying their hobbies. When May approaches, Grants Pass Lodge is usually preparing for numerous events for the summer. Unfortunately, I don’t know how active we will be this year. As restrictions are relaxed, Grants Pass Lodge will participate in activities as much as possible.
May is also the time to celebrate Memorial Day. Although there is some debate about the origin of Memorial Day, its purpose is clear. Memorial Day was established to remember the Veterans who died while in service to their country. This is a perfect time to share gratitude. I implore you to check on the widow of a veteran, pay your respects at a grave, or maybe donate to a veteran organization. I donate to USO; numerous times my family and I have traveled and have been provided relief by this organization.
To help usher in Memorial Day, members of Grants Pass Lodge will attend an annual cemetery cleanup at Masonic Pioneer Cemetery on Foothill Blvd. We usually spend the day mowing, trimming, and enjoying each other’s company. This year, the task will be exceptionally easy as Brother Rick Shoemaker volunteered to mow the cemetery grounds. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for his hard work and initiative. We will use the cemetery clean-up event on May 15th at 9:00 am to tidy up any remaining grounds maintenance.
On the business of the possible sale of the Lodge rental property. I would like to say a big thanks to members who returned the lodge letter with their concerns and opinion about the property. There was overwhelming support to move forward with the sale of the property. When the property sells, we hope to make significant investments to maintain the lost rental income. I will keep the brethren updated.
We will have a stated meeting on May on the 4th at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be within the restrictions outlined by the Grand Lodge. If you are available, please come and join us.

WM John Davis
And Part on the Square

A special message from our District Deputy
Greetings Brothers,

In my April message I suggested that we promote our Craft by approaching men in various situations and tell them about Masonry. The practice of approaching strangers is not allowed as it is considered solicitation and forbidden by Grand Lodge. However, if a man approaches you and asks if you’re a Mason, you can engage them in conversation, and hand them a card describing the benefits of membership in our Craft. Br Steve Lyons, Belt Lodge, gave me a business sized card that Belt Lodge uses to give to men who ask about Masonry. I will be working to get this card updated with Grants Pass Lodge information and have them available for Brothers to carry and hand out when approached.

I liked SW Jim’s comments about supporting our local youth. In August, the local Chamber is sponsoring a National Lemonade Stand Day. This is where local youth build a lemonade stand and sell lemonade to gain general business and communication skills. Grants Pass Lodge can help in this event and get lots of exposure/publicity. We can sponsor one of the kids stand for a cost of $300 and have other Lodge volunteers assist other individual youths by manning their Lemonade Stand with them and answer questions and provide general assistance. This is a good way to connect with local youth and get exposure to the general population by assisting the kids with their lemonade sales.

Remember, never pass up an opportunity to talk to someone about Masonry. You never know where it may lead. Another bit of information. Even though the Grand Lodge of Oregon does not allow you to ask a man to become a Mason, it does not prohibit your wife from asking a Man the same question. We need to actively promote Masonry to get more viable candidates. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments.

RW John Rall
District Deputy 17
From the West
Senior Warden Jim Warriner
My Brothers,
Our lodge has been forced to be dormant almost hibernation for over a year. We may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and not that of an oncoming train; therefore we should prepare for upcoming degrees, hosting Child ID, making ourselves known at Concerts in the Park, and becoming involved with youth.
We should provide incentive for our local youth to excel; whether it is providing some scholarship funds, a Kindle for reading books, a luncheon or dinner for high achievement, or assistance in aiding a youth to excel. We should be actively and openly supporting our local youth for they are the future of our community and our country.
As a final note, if you have or wish to have a role in the second section of the MM degree please let me know I am creating a list.
See you at our next stated meeting.

James Warriner
And Meet On The Level
From the South
Junior Warden Tracy Morton
This year is flying by, while there are the continued restrictions the Lodge has been having our stated meetings. Our practices of the degrees still progress, and we hopefully will be ready when we can continue our degree work. This time has allowed us to look into the study of masonry and how we can better ourselves and those in our communities. Personal growth is something we can all do to better ourselves and those around us. As we strive to be better, remember that there is always something to learn and to never give up on learning.
While we had to cancel the Past masters roast due covid restrictions. I would like to eventually have one for Brother Sammis. Once Grand Lodge and the State allow us to have events I look forward to that day. I am hoping that it is not too much longer.

Tracy Morton
And Act by the Plumb