November 2021 Trestle Board

From the East


November is here and is our traditional time to give thanks. Mostly, I am grateful to all of you. I am thankful for the health of our members, families, and friends. I am thankful for the friendship of such people; the fellowship of Freemasonry is boundless. My only regret is that I did not join at an earlier age.

I am also thankful for our newest member, Sean Norvelle. He was initiated on October 26th. I am grateful for new members to enjoy the fellowship. All Masons are encouraged to be part of the degree team or just come down and watch a degree. It is always a pleasant time.

I would like to say thanks to our military members who are not home to celebrate with their families. I distinctly remember Thanksgiving 2012 when our small outpost came under rocket attack in eastern Afghanistan. I spent the evening in a bunker with my two medics. It became a special time for me as we tried to make light of the situation and ate pumpkin pie out of a paper cup. I am sure many veterans have a similar story; ask them to share it.

I would like to extend an invitation to all Masons to visit our lodge on the first Tuesday at our stated meeting on November 2nd. It is okay if it is your first time at this lodge. Just come on down a little early, have a coffee, and meet the local brethren. Our doors are always open by 6:30 pm. We will be having our official visit from the District Deputy, John Rall.

WM John Davis


From the West

My Brothers,

We conferred another EA; Sean Paul Norvell is our newest Entered Apprentice. Join me in welcoming Brother Norvell to our fraternity and ensure that he feels welcome. Brother Irvin has joined us from our neighbors to the south; Brother Konantz is waiting for Oregon and California Grand Lodges to conclude their communications so he may petition and transfer his membership to Grants Pass. I look forward to seeing them in lodge.

Still need an electrician and a few volunteers to install the new ceiling fans.

We are approaching the need to confer an MM so, if you have or wish to have a role in the second section of the MM degree please let me know I am creating a list.

See you at our next stated meeting.

James Warriner

And Meet On The Level

From the South


As this year seems to continue to have people confused, I would like to thank everyone that has assisted the lodge in the things we do. I would like to say welcome to our newest brother. It is good to see our lodge obtain new members. With thanksgiving fast approaching it is time for us to be thankful for those we have in our live and the things that we have experienced and hold dear to us. Remember to let those we love and care for know that we are thankful for them to be in our lives. In these times we should also remember those who are no longer with us, and remember how they have touched our lives. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to visit other lodges, and I am thankful that I have felt welcome as a fellow brother.

I encourage those who have not been at the lodge in a long time to visit our lodge, and meet those who are new, and enjoy the company with them and get to know them.

On Saturday November 13 at 6:30 pm at the Grants Pass lodge we will have a dinner. I know that this is not our normal day to have a dinner, but we felt that it would be nice to have it on a day that would encourage a good attendance. It will be $15 per person, and we would like to have a good count for this event. You can contact me by phone (Cell) 702-266-5544 or email You can send a text or call and leave a message. I will make sure I have you on the list for those who are planning on attending.

Tracy Morton

And Act by the Plumb

From Your District Deputy

November stated meeting will be my first official visit to Grants Pass Lodge. Oh boy, my first opportunity to sit in the East. I’ll even wear the hat that I wore as Master of Friendship Lodge #160. Friendship is my home lodge in Portland where I was raised. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy living in Grants Pass and having good old #84 as my new home lodge.

Covid has really taken a toll on most Masonic functions in our area, this includes Hillah Shrine. Our local Shrine Club is down to a small handful of members and I just looked at GP #84’s numbers in Grandview and we are down to 97 Master Masons. It is now more important than ever to stay active in our Masonic functions in all our Masonic bodies. But it all starts in our blue lodge. It’s important to get involved and stay involved. We need to get more good men involved in our craft. If you can think of a good man that would make a good Mason, consider inviting him and his mate to our dinner on November 13th. Promote it as a non-obligation free dinner. Yes, offer to pay for their dinner. It all starts with you.

I met with Jon Torbert yesterday to make sure I knew all the works on closing on the MM degree. It’s been a long time since I was a sitting Master in Friendship Lodge. So, I’m practicing on closing and my goal is to close Lodge next Tuesday with 100% accuracy. Be there to make sure I don’t screw up!!!

RW John Rall

District Deputy 16

And Live by the Trowel