October 2021 Trestle Board

From the East


We did not have a quorum for the September meeting due to many of our members staying home to protect their health. Although I am sad there was not a meeting, I am also glad that members value their health and safety. Now October is upon us and this is our traditional step-up night. I leave the stated meeting in the capable hands of our Senior Warden, Jim Warriner. If you are free then I invite you down to the Lodge on October 5th at 7:30. 

This is my favorite time of year. There are so many good foods as we harvest summer crops. Through the air drift various fragrant smells such as cinnamon, apples, and pumpkins that may take us back to fond childhood memories. Then there is always the creation of new memories at the joyous gatherings of friends and families. I have included an article about the history of Halloween: https://bloguniversalfreemasonry.wordpress.com/2019/11/20/halloween-origins-traditions-and-connection-to-freemasonry/

This is also the time of year we try to get in some last-minute pleasures before the cold of winter arrives. I encourage all of our members, families, and friends to make the most of these warm nights. Maybe that means going down to the local football game on Friday night. It could also mean turning on the porch light and handing out candy to local children. It could also just be a good deed; helping the neighbor rake up those autumn leaves. Whatever it is; I leave you to it. 

Worshipful Master John Davis

And Part on the Square

From the West

My Brothers,

Our new web site, our location on the internet, is up.  Please go to GPMasons.org.

New ceiling fans for the lodge room have been purchased (budgeted item) and a work group is needed to install them.  A scissor lift is available from Grants Pass Equipment rental for $110/day plus $80 delivery and pickup. In a recent conversation with Brother Chris Ford, he has agreed to pick a day for fan install and believes he can supply a scissor lift from his work.

We have 5 potential candidates (some still require investigation, petition reading, or funding) for an EA degree, two EA’s who could be ready for their FC, and one FC who could be ready for his MM.  Also there are 3 MM’s waiting their certificate of standing.

The above means we are approaching the need to confer an MM so, if you have or wish to have a role in the second section of the MM degree please let me know I am creating a list.

See you at our next stated meeting.

Senior Warden James Warriner

And Meet On The Level

From the South


I see that we have a lot of things in the works, for our lodge improvement. With this said, I am looking into the future and the growth for the lodge. Is there something that you have noticed that we need to have done for the upkeep of our lodge. Several of the items that I know that need to be done are already done. One that I know that we have not discussed is repairing the ceiling in the Lodge room. There are a few cracks in the ceiling. I have also talked to one of the past masters that stated something along the line of when we have this done to maybe have a mural painted to represent the sky. This is a good Idea. What is your opinion this will be interesting to know?

Second. I have mentioned the possibility of replacing the flagpole. While the benefit of it being placed on the roof is understandable this location has one drawback. It is placed close to the edge of the roof, and this proximity does cause concern. I have spoken with the brother who has taken care of having the flag displayed, and he did tell me the last time he was up there that he almost fell off the roof. This has caused me to research he idea of a new pole and have it placed on the ground. The benefit is the safety of having both feet on the ground. I have a lot of info on this project and feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in what I have come up with.

I would like to see what our brethren can do for the community and how to work with other lodges. It does not matter if someone is from another lodge, we are still all brothers. Are there some things that we did in the past that we no longer do? While Covid has hindered several things, what are some things that you would like to see come back. I am looking forward to when we can have our easter brunch again. Is there anything that you want to see us start anew.  How can we help our fellow brethren? What help do you need? How can our communication be better? Looking ahead to the next few years, I hope to work with everyone to answer these questions. I hope to see our lodge grow and thrive.

Junior Warden Tracy Morton

And Act by the Plumb

Greetings from the Grand Lodge

I have talked about the need to visit our older Masonic Brothers who are unable to get out much.  We took an oath to look after our Brothers so now is the time to take action.  I recently visited a Brother from Grants Pass Lodge who is 92 and doesn’t get out much.  The joy he and his wife showed upon my visit was ample reward for the time and effort.  Try it my Brothers and you too will feel the joy of visiting an older Brother.  To bring joy to someone’s live is truly a Masonic Duty, and it will make your day.

This is my second year as your District Deputy and this is the first year that I will be able to perform an official visit.  I will be conduction official visits at the November meetings for Grants Pass Lodge.  If Brother Jim is willing, I’d be happy in our October Stated, to conduct a brief practice for receiving the District Deputy so we don’t look like fools.  Should only take five to seven minutes.  I know I could use the practice.

WM John Davis and I were able to close on the rental house we have been renting to HD York Insurance on September 10.  We netted just over $223,000.  Our Treasurer, WB Doug Sammis will be working with an investment committee to decide how to invest these funds to provide an income stream for years to come.

I’m looking forward to getting past this covid bs soon so we can return to dinners and fellowship, let’s all hope for the best.

Right Worshipful John Rall, PM

District Deputy District 16

And Live by the Trowel